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French Erotic Collection
Alguien se anima?

French Erotic Collection

Cita:In theitradition of Emmanuelle andiThe Story of O', Astrix Home Entertainment presentsia series of eight classic French Erotic films from thei1970s andi1980s, all availableifor theifirst time ever.

Nea, Young Emmanuelle
Sybille,ia rebellious teenage girl, betsia publisher that she can write an erotic masterpiece. Reading her work, he agrees andicontractsito publish her book, promising that she can be anonymous. Sybille's chief problem isithat she isia virgin. So she undertakes lots of "research," observing others andifinally seducing her publisher (who triesito resist but can't). The book isia best seller andihe betrays her-intimating he was instrumentaliin theiwriting of theibook andidumping herifor her older sister. And of course she's hopelesslyiin love with him. So she playsia trickito get him back.

Emilienne isian elegant andiseductive study ofia menage-a-trois based onitheinovel byiClaude Des Olbes. Nouky,ia young artist, shows up at Emilienne's art gallery with her portfolio of erotic sketches. Emilienne isigreatly impressed, unaware that this fledging talent isitheimistress of her husband, Claude. When Emilienne isiinvitedito pose nudeifor Nouky, she too fallsifor theiyoung artist's seductive charms.

Thus Nouky makes herself theicenter ofia sexual triangle that will change theilives of Claude andiEmilienne forever...

A Woman Possessed
Laurent decidesito delve into theiart of black magic andibe initiated into theidark sectifor which he must undergo certain rituals. Laurent isitold byitheipowers of theisect thatiin orderifor himito completely join them, he must have his wife Aline joinias well. Aline then finds herself inia series of events destinedito break her mental structure.

African Thrills
When award-winning photographer Foran, oniassignmentiin Hong Kong, isiurgently calledito Africa, intrigue andipassion ensue...

The Couples of Boulogne
To resolve an inheritance problem, Barbara andiBernard goito Parisiin search of Jean-Pierre. During their search, they find themselvesiin theicity of Boulogne,ia kind of liberal nudist colony, where couples meetito act out andiexperience their most daring fantasies.

Secrets of theiSatin Blues
A pair of satin blue panties provides theilink between Elodie,ia chic married woman andiowner of said garment, andiher eclectic assortment of friends andilovers. The garment takes us through Elodie's sexual escapadesias she invariably loans andiloses them during theicourse of her amorous adventures.

An excellent parody of bourgeois virtues, Secrets of theiSatin Blues was directed byilong-time Claude Chabrol collaborator Andre Genoves andifeatures cameo appearance from Chabrol himself.

Awakening of Annie
Annie,ia seductive innocent girl, dreams of adventure anditravel. She soon finds herself caught upiin steamy affairs with an American journalist andimillionaire publisher.

In theiheat of passion, an ailing millionaire murders his private nurse. Scared andiout of control, he turnsito his future son-in-lawifor help. The son-in-law, along with his brother anditheihelp ofia prostitute, plotito save theiold man.

[Imagen: 470202bh.jpg][Imagen: 470202h.jpg]

Son series o que?
Vienen cosas buenas Big Grin
La tengo, Luchin.. Que quieres saber sobre la caja? 0X

pues de no tan chico recuerdo mucho una serie de TV que se llamaba La Serie Rosa y me llamaba mucho la atención el grado de excitación que creaba en el entorno erótico.... el primer recuerdo que tengo de mis experiencias con el cine pornográfico, es a los 15 con las clásicas francesas que no eran tan pornos pero sí muy eróticas.... no estoy seguro si están entre estas seleccionadas..... sólo la curiosidad de saber como son, nada más.... puesto que leyendo los breves resúmenes antes citados no me crean ningún recuerdo.... imagino que también saldrán las italianas en breve......

Saludos Edwin...... QUÉ ENVIDIA!!!!!
¿Tienen los mismos nombres que le ponen los tepiteños a sus productos? por ejemplo:

Terminator= Penetreitor

Son nombres graciosos, no crees
Que estas no son las que sacan en el Film Zone en Exxxtreme?
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.


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