Mensajes: 4,890
Temas: 474
Registro en: Nov 2003
Cita:according to USA Today:
Disney's 'Bambi' will leap onto DVD
The Prince of the Forest and his foot-thumping pal are finally coming to DVD. Disney's 1942 classic Bambi, stashed in the studio's vaults for eight years, becomes available March 1 on a special two-DVD edition ($30; VHS, $25).
Digitally restored video and surround sound will transform the tale of the young deer and his long-eared buddy, Thumper, for home viewers, says Disney's Gordon Ho. "It's amazing how much more vivid and clear it looks from the color and clarity standpoint," he says.
And animation buffs will fawn over one of the special features, "Walt's Annotated Bambi," which molds a vocal reading of the studio founder's own notes from the film's development with footage and production drawings. "Viewers will experience, firsthand, the production of Bambi as it is happening through Walt's words," Ho says.
Also included are additional scenes — in various stages of development — and a sneak peek at the upcoming Bambi II: Great Prince of the Forest, a direct-to-DVD feature in the works.
—Mike Snider
Mensajes: 3,139
Temas: 299
Registro en: Apr 2004
aaaaayyy que tierno!!!!!
Totalmente fuera de mi lista de compras........
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
oooooooohhhh que cool!!!
totalmente DENTRO de mi lista de compras.
...y esque si ya estoy haciendo una buena coleccion con todo lo de Disney, claro está que este clásico es de cajón, además sumandole una buena restauracion tipo Blanca Nieves y un disco de extras perrones, claro que me la compro.
Mensajes: 9,418
Temas: 492
Registro en: Dec 2002
Anotenme con esta pelicula
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
Edmundo escribió:Anotenme con esta pelicula
mmmm...en donde precisamente Edmundo??
Mensajes: 1,711
Temas: 53
Registro en: Nov 2003
para empezar los dvds de disney tienen un ALTO valor coleccionable...
si son platinum... mas!!
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
Mensajes: 4,890
Temas: 474
Registro en: Nov 2003
Publicado de prensa de Bambi:
Walt Disney’s Timeless, Towering Classic
Special Edition
All-New Groundbreaking Digital Restoration Delivers Enhanced Picture & Sound
2-Disc Platinum Edition Includes a Forest-Full of Bonus Materials
BURBANK, Calif., - August 30, 2004 – Beloved by generations, Walt Disney’s timeless masterpiece BAMBI is
available for the first time ever on DVD in a magnificent 2-disc Special Edition on March 1, 2005. One of Walt
Disney’s greatest triumphs and all-time most requested Disney classics, BAMBI is one of the most celebrated
and endearing films of all time. Telling the coming-of-age story of life in the forest, BAMBI is a film experience
so strong that neither heart nor mind can ever forget it. Not available in any form for over eight years, this
exciting addition to Disney’s celebrated PLATINUM Series is the perfect Easter gift and will be available for a
limited time only.
Today’s technology meets Walt Disney’s vision, as the BAMBI Special Edition has undergone one of the most
expansive restorations in the history of The Walt Disney Company. This all-new digital restoration, done
exclusively for this Special Edition DVD release, required a team of film, computer and animation experts to apply
the most advanced technology and talent the studio has ever assembled. These efforts have restored BAMBI’s
extraordinary artwork to dazzling brilliance. The groundbreaking technology employed includes detailed frame-byframe
work on over 110,000 frames, requiring more than 9,600 hours of work! This has resulted in stunning digital
images with a far greater range of both color and density, allowing the quintessential Walt Disney classic to come
to life for everyone like never before.
The BAMBI Special Edition Disney DVD will feature a forest-full of bonus materials. Included will be “Inside
Walt’s Story Meetings” – a trip back in time where viewers experience the production of “Bambi” with Walt
Disney himself and his creative team; never-before-seen deleted sequences created from original storyboards; eight
games with something for all age groups from color recognition to trivia; the all-new “Forest Adventure Game”
with multiple levels of challenge that evolve from 2D to 3D animation; special sneak-peek at the all-new movie
“Bambi And The Great Prince;” DisneyPedia; Disney Time Capsule 1942 the Year of Bambi; “Disney’s Storytime:
Thumper Goes Exploring” an all-new story based on the Golden Book classic; “The Making of Bambi” original
story concepts; music design, production stills; and much, much more.
The BAMBI 2-DISC SPECIAL EDITION Bonus Features Include:
This exciting one-of-a-kind bonus feature takes you back in time to experience the production of “Bambi”
with Walt Disney himself and his creative team.
What few knew is that at each creative meeting, Walt had a stenographer taking copious notes. With
“INSIDE WALT’S STORY MEETINGS,” audiences hear these story notes, reenacted by voice actors
(including an actor voicing Walt Disney's comments) and set to footage, sketches and other production
items. It offers fascinating insight into Walt Disney and his team's process of creating the beloved classic,
through actual discussions and with concepts that have influenced filmmaking today.
Disney researchers have uncovered storyboards from the original Bambi production. Now, with music and
dialogue added to these fascinating storyboards, discover sequences that were not part of the final film.
This exciting game has multiple levels of challenge that evolve from 2-D to 3-D animation. Experience the
mysteries of the forest through the eyes of the inhabitants. The fun activities – from puzzles to trivia and
counting games – and the levels of complexity change along with the seasons of the forest.
Special sneak-peek at the upcoming all-new movie “Bambi And The Great Prince.”
In this Disney feature, branded on such hits as “The Lion King,” kids and adults can learn about the real-life
animals in BAMBI with animal and animated character comparisons.
BAMBI was first released in 1942, and this program takes viewers back for a look at that historical year.
In 1942 Walt and the Disney animators were enjoying a golden age of creativity. World War II, however,
would exact a heavy price on the Studio.
An all-new story based on the Golden Book classic Thumper.
The new 2-disc DVD features state-of-the art remixed sound with the all-new 5.1 Disney Enhanced Home Theater
Mix. The extensively remixed soundtrack provides dramatic clarity and crisper sound.
Bambi first displayed his wide-eyed innocence on movie screens in 1942. The timeless coming-of-age story has
enchanted every generation since. A landmark film at the Disney Studios and in animation history, the film took
years to make. Walt Disney was delighted with the results he saw, and remarked to his staff “it’s a story that’s
going to have a tremendous amount of appeal.”
BAMBI was nominated for Academy Awards for Best Sound, Best Song (“Love Is A Song,”) and Best Scoring
of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture, 1942. This enormously popular film has been theatrically re-released to
generations of audiences in 1946, 1956, 1963, 1969, 1977, 1982, and 1988. Not only is BAMBI one of Walt’s
most popular and enduring films, but the movie also has its own 37 cent U.S. Postage stamp, issued just this year
In this famous coming-of-age story, the young deer Bambi grows to adulthood as he experiences the wonder and
adventure of life in the Forest. BAMBI’s unforgettable iconic characters include Thumper the playful rabbit,
Flower the lovable skunk and Owl, the wise friend. Through changing seasons, fans will be “twitterpated” by the
endearing classic tale of Bambi, the young prince of the forest.
BAMBI’S breathtaking animated artwork stands among the milestones of Disney’s first “golden age.” Animated
by many of Disney’s legendary “nine old men” - including Frank Thomas, Ollie Johnston, Marc Davis, Milt Kahl
and Eric Larson – BAMBI was the first of Disney’s animated masterpieces to have an all-animal cast. To achieve a
greater level of realism, Walt Disney brought live animals into the studio for the animators to study, a first for any
Studio. From their anatomical studies, the BAMBI animators created the most life-like animals ever seen in an
animated film. They pioneered the art of creating animals that were anatomically accurate, yet they incorporated
endearing emotion and attitudes into the animals’ personalities. Following this precedent, The Walt Disney Studios
has been known to be a temporary home for lions, raccoons and meerkats, among other exotic creatures.
To create the beautiful imagery of the forest, background artists painted hundreds of landscapes based on
extensive field research and nature photographs. As a result, the hidden textures of BAMBI’S magical
forest are delicately revealed as it changes from season to season. Animators even studied slow motion
photography of drops of milk to recreate the elaborate splash patterns made by a raindrop.
STREET DATE: March 1, 2005
Direct prebook: January 4, 2005
Distributor prebook: January 18, 2005
Suggested retail price: $29.99 (2-disc DVD)
$24.99 (VHS)
Feature running time: Approximately 67 minutes
Rated: “G”
Bonus DVD materials not rated and subject to change.
DVD aspect ratio: 1.33:1 enhanced for 4x3 screens – the aspect ratio in which the film was originally
Sound: All-New 5.1 Disney Enhanced Home Theater Mix
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound
Dolby Digital 2.0 Original Mono Theatrical Mix
Languages: French, Spanish 5.1 audio tracks
Walt Disney Home Entertainment is distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Inc., a recognized industry
leader. Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Inc. is the marketing, sales and distribution company for Walt Disney,
Touchstone, Hollywood Pictures, Miramax, Dimension and Buena Vista videocassettes and DVDs.
Pre-order BAMBI: 2-Disc Platinum Edition from
Que bueno que no van a agregarle "escenas" a esta película (como lo han hecho con el Rey León y otras)
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
la portada:
Mensajes: 4,890
Temas: 474
Registro en: Nov 2003
y esta también va a tener agregados? o la van a dejar como está?
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
según parece Arturo, esta la van a dejar tal cual, con una restauración impresionante tipo de la Blanca Nieves, pero sin agregarle nada.
Al parecer, lo de agregarle cosas, solo sucede con las de los noventas.
Mensajes: 8,939
Temas: 578
Registro en: Oct 2002
el Fer escribió:Al parecer, lo de agregarle cosas, solo sucede con las de los noventas.
Asi es, corríganme si me equivoco, pero creo que es sólo con las que salieron bajo el cobijo de Michael Eisner :x
Keep on Rockin' in the free world...
Mensajes: 4,890
Temas: 474
Registro en: Nov 2003
lo que pasa (o al menos imagino) como el director de las películas nuevas (el rey león, aladdin, etc) aún está vivo, le preguntan "oye, que te parece si cambiamos o agregamos esto", él dice que sí, y lo hacen.
En cambio con las pelis viejas, el director ya no está presente y pues ya mejor respetan el trabajo terminado...
Aunque siendo honesto, no me hubiera molestado tener la secuencia de la sopa reintegrada a la película de blancanieves (logicamente ya coloreada y todo)
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
este es el arte de los discos:
Mensajes: 9,418
Temas: 492
Registro en: Dec 2002
Solo faltan 2 meses para que salga, esta ni siquiera en VHS tengo, asi que es compra segura.
Mensajes: 922
Temas: 44
Registro en: Dec 2004
Ay que ternura! yo quiero que pongan una escena de la agonia de la madre de Bambi y el velorio con los animales del bosque!!!
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 3,139
Temas: 299
Registro en: Apr 2004
Región 1, Estados Unidos, 2005-03-03, 12:39
Walt Disney anuncia que Bambi ha vendido mas de 1 millón de unidades durante el primer día en que se encuentra disponible. Esta cifra hace referencia únicamente a las copias vendidas en los Estados Unidos. La edición en DVD de Bambi incluye 2 discos, una nueva mezcla de 5.1 canales a la pista de audio y una imagen completamente restaurada. Incluye pista de audio en Español.
Mensajes: 2,035
Temas: 126
Registro en: Jun 2003
Me van a creer q jamás vi Bambi. :o
Mensajes: 1,745
Temas: 24
Registro en: Mar 2003
Yo compré hace poco la de R4, muy buen DVD. El punto es que cuando salió Blancanieves crei que TODAS las restauraciones de titulo Platinum serian de esa mismo calibre pero con Bambi veo que no, la restauración es genial pero no a esos niveles de Blancanieves, no creen?
Mensajes: 9,418
Temas: 492
Registro en: Dec 2002
Yo me la compre ayer y se ve que la hicieron con toda la mano, aun no la veo, pero si le di una browseada.
Mensajes: 6,512
Temas: 152
Registro en: Mar 2003
Nunca he visto esta película, espero pronto comprarla y verla haber que tal esta.
Vienen cosas buenas
Mensajes: 3,139
Temas: 299
Registro en: Apr 2004
osdia escribió:Nunca he visto esta película, espero pronto comprarla y verla haber que tal esta.
NUNCA?????????' Como crees!!!! Ni de niño?
Mensajes: 6,512
Temas: 152
Registro en: Mar 2003
Pues si acaso un pedazo, pero completa no, o no me acuerdo.
Vienen cosas buenas
Mensajes: 1,708
Temas: 96
Registro en: Dec 2004
La voy a rentar, x que sigo sin acordarme de nada... :roll:
Mensajes: 1,745
Temas: 24
Registro en: Mar 2003
Yo tampoco me acordaba bien de ella, pero es un super clásico, ahora puede dormir a los niños pero los adultos la valoraremos como una gran obra que se magnifica más viendo los extras.