Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
ya empezaron las especulaciones e info de esta temporada:
Smallville Season 3 DVD News!
Here we'll hopefully have some answers to the frequently asked questions about the DVD of the recently-ended Season Three of Smallville.
The DVD is likely to hit stores as early as September 2004 or as late as December, meaning that it'll be almost caught up to where the broadcast episodes are. It will probably sell for a similar price to the previous Season 1 and Season 2 releases. The set will include 22 episodes, from "Exile" through "Covenant."
The second "series" of the Chloe Chronicles will likely be on the set; and we can hope that the Verizon Wireless promos that ran online previous to the season will be included as well.
Another thing we do know is that there will be commentary on at least one episode. The season premiere episode, "Exile," will have commentary which features executive producers Alfred Gough, Miles Millar, Greg Beeman, and Ken Horton with Lex himself, Michael Rosenbaum. We're imagining this is one of many; but this is the only one we've heard anything about so far.
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Pues debe de ser, allá ya terminó la tercer temporada y aquí nos faltan tres capítulos, esta bien para septiembre, pero lo más seguro es que la recorran un mes.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
mas info:
We also have learned that there will be at least two commentaries in the DVD set, including the following two episodes:
"Exile" - features executive producers Alfred Gough, Miles Millar, Greg Beeman, and Ken Horton with Lex himself, Michael Rosenbaum.
"Memoria" - features executive producers Alfred Gough, Miles Miller, Greg Beeman, and Ken Horton with Michael Rosenbaum (Millar also directed the episode)
We're assuming these aren't the only two commentaries on the DVD, and we'll keep you updated when and if we hear more. (If anyone wants to tip us off about more, e-mail us!)
We are also assuming the Season 3 DVD set will include deleted scenes, including one where older Lex (Michael Rosenbaum) looks at a picture of his mother, from "Memoria."
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Y según los de Kryptonsite la recorren para Diciembre, no?
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
La información de lo que se tiene hasta estew momento:
Cita:Smallville Season 3 DVD News!
Here we'll hopefully have some answers to the frequently asked questions about the DVD of the recently-ended Season Three of Smallville.
The DVD is likely to hit stores as early as September 2004 or as late as December, meaning that it'll be almost caught up to where the broadcast episodes are. It will probably sell for a similar price to the previous Season 1 and Season 2 releases. The set will include 22 episodes, from "Exile" through "Covenant."
The second "series" of the Chloe Chronicles will likely be on the set; and we can hope that the Verizon Wireless promos that ran online previous to the season will be included as well.
We also have learned that there will be at least three commentaries in the DVD set, including the following three episodes:
"Exile" - features executive producers Alfred Gough, Miles Millar, Greg Beeman, and Ken Horton with Lex himself, Michael Rosenbaum.
"Memoria" - features executive producers Alfred Gough, Miles Miller, Greg Beeman, and Ken Horton with Michael Rosenbaum (Millar also directed the episode)
"Truth" - features director James Marshall, Allison Mack (Chloe), and John Glover (Lionel)
We're assuming these aren't the only three commentaries on the DVD, and we'll keep you updated when and if we hear more. (If anyone wants to tip us off about more, e-mail us!)
UPDATE! Current plans for the Season 3 DVD set also include a gag reel and a behind-the-scenes look at the Smallville crew up in Vancouver where you get to see some of what goes into a typical day up there. There's also said to be a hidden easter egg, and we'd imagine some deleted scenes are planned for the release also.
La mini foto del arte previo:
Informacion proporcionada por nuestros amigos de Kryptonsite.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
La foto, la pueden ver aquí:
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
Circle November 16th on your calendar because that's when Warner Bros will release Smallville: The Complete Third Season on DVD. Sporting 22 episodes on 6 discs, and a ton of special features, this set will set you back $59.98 US. Warner has also lowered the SRP of season 1 from $64.92 to $59.98.
Clark Kent lives in Smallville, but in many ways he's out of this world - and so is this spectacular series that provides a fascinating spin on Superman lore. Season 3 is marked by Clark's inability to overpower destiny and its pressing call for his return home. Clark, who has left Smallville for Metropolis, returns to Smallville to help his parents, who are desperately trying to save their cash-strapped farm, and is happily surprised to find that Lex Luthor has survived a deadly jet crash. Lex and Clark's ill-fated camaraderie is strengthened by this miracle but causes tension in the close-knit Kent family, as Jonathan fears that Lex will emulate Lionel and his unscrupulous ways, even while Lex has tried to establish his own identity.
We'll have artwork, and a list of the special features, shortly.
Link to this page:
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 1,792
Temas: 89
Registro en: May 2003
Pues cada seis meses tenemos nueva temporada.
Por cierto, alguien sabe cuantas temporadas durará la serie?
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
Title: Smallville
Starring: Tom Welling
Released: 16th November 2004
SRP: $59.98
Further Details
Warner has also set a release date for the third season of Smallville which stars Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum and Kristin Kreuk. The six-disc package will be available to own from the 16th November this year, and should set you back somewhere in the region of $59.98. I'm afraid that we have no details on the extra material at the moment, although we can tell you that the episodes will be presented in 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen along with English Stereo tracks. We'll bring you further details on this one, including a look at the official package artwork, very shortly. Make sure you stay tuned for that. ... &n=1&burl=
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Ya esta la preorder?
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
Smallville - Season 3 Special Features
The other day we posted information on Smallville: Season 3, but we didn't have information on the special features, or artwork. The artwork for the set hasn't been finalized yet, but we have the special features, directly from Warner Bros.
Disc 1:
Commentary on "Exile" (Al Gough - Executive Producer; Miles Millar - Executive Producer; Greg Beeman - Executive Producer/Director; Ken Horton - Executive Producer; Michael Rosenbaum "Lex Luthor")
Deleted Scenes: "Exile" and "Slumber"
Disc 2:
Deleted Scenes: "Shattered"
Disc 4:
Deleted Scenes: "Velocity," "Obsession," "Resurrection," and "Crisis"
Disc 5:
Commentary on "Truth" (James Marshall - Director; Allison Mack - "Chloe Sullivan"; John Glover - "Lionel Luthor")
Commentary on "Memoria" (Al Gough - Executive Producer; Miles Millar - Executive Producer/Director; Greg Beeman - Executive Producer; Ken Horton - Executive Producer; Michael Rosenbaum "Lex Luthor")
Deleted Scenes: "Memoria"
Producing SMALLVILLE: The Heroes Behind the Camera (behind-the-scenes production documentary)
Easter Egg
Disc 6:
The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II (webisodes)
Smallville Comic Book Issue #8 (menu based - interactive comic book - bridges the story between Chloe Chronicles 6 & 7)
Deleted Scenes: "Talisman" and"Forsaken"
Gag Reel
You'll notice that Disc 3 isn't mentioned in the listing above, but that's because there aren't any special features on it.
We'll post the finalized artwork once it's done. In the meantime, here's a quick thumbnail of what they've shown us so far (that red oval says "Artwork Subject To Change"):
Link to this page:
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Bien, muy bien, sigue con la misma tonica de los packs anteriores.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Ya esta en preorder, pero Amazon maneja dos presentaciones y no encuentro cual es la real diferencia entre las dos ya que cuestan lo mismo.
¿Donde puedo pregunta en Amazon para que aclaren lo de ambas versiones?
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Ya pude mandarles un mail, a ver que me contestan.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 1,792
Temas: 89
Registro en: May 2003
Yo te recomiendo que te esperes, esa confusion se da porque estan esperando datos mas completos y las respectivas portadas.
Edito: creo que debes elegir la opcion 4 porque la 5 son los mismos dvds pero en 6 cajas amaray.
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Ah, ok theoden, fijate que no me puse a pensar en eso y tienes toda la razon, va la preorder y el correspondiente share como va.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 6,512
Temas: 152
Registro en: Mar 2003
Yo aun no tengo ningún box set de esta serie que si me gusta, pero no me alcanza para comprar tantas
Vienen cosas buenas
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Bueno, para mi grata sorpresa el buen Rodo ya se había adelantado y aproveche su share, asi que le doy las gracias a Rodo.
Y para el que quiera aprovechar, pues ya sabe.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
Title: Smallville
Starring: Tom Welling
Released: 16th November 2004
SRP: $59.98
Further Details
Warner has also set a release date for the third season of Smallville which stars Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum and Kristin Kreuk. The six-disc package will be available to own from the 16th November this year, and should set you back somewhere in the region of $59.98. The episodes themselves will be presented in 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen along with English Stereo tracks. Extras will include audio commentaries on selected episodes, a Producing Smallville: The Heroes Behind the Camera featurette, The Chloe Chronicles: Volume II Webisodes, a Smallville Interactive Comic Book Issue #8, deleted scenes and a gag reel. An easteregg will also be included. We've attached the official artwork below:
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
En Amazon ya quitaron lo de "six pieces" y dejaron dos links igualitos, quien los entiende.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
portada y contraportada:
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Según el día de lanzamiento es el 16 de noviembre y Amazon aun no la tiene ni en shipping soon, ya es hora de que la hubieran mandado, no?
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
asi es. lo raro es que otra tienda ya las mando, lo malo es que yo tambien la pedi por amazon y todavia nada.
a un amigo ya se la enviaron desde el sabado pasado.
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Alguien sabe que esta pasando con Amazon, hoy es 16 de noviembre y mi preorder no esta en shipping soon, eso sí la de Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkaban estan por mandarmela, esta muy raro esto.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
esta raro eso de amazon, a mi cuate la le llego de la otra tienda su pedido de smallville y amazon ni siquiera nos la manda.
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
esto dice en la pagina de amazon:
Availability: Please note that titles occasionally go out of print or publishers run out of stock. We will notify you within 4 to 8 days if we have trouble obtaining this title. ... ance&s=dvd
me lleva :x
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Uh que la!!!!
No vaya a resultar ahora que ni siquiera les ha llegado el producto y nosotros aquí chiflando en la loma.
:angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 122
Temas: 7
Registro en: Feb 2003
La mia esta en shipping soon desde ayer.
Claro que la pedi por envio gratis y por eso tarda mas de lo normal, pero de que ya va a salir no hay duda.
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Yo la pedí por correo normal, y sigue en preorder, que mala onda, y yo que ya me había hecho ilusiones de verla esta semana. :cry:
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.
Mensajes: 10,377
Temas: 143
Registro en: Dec 2002
Pues al fin la pusieron en shipping soon, espero que hoy por la noche la envien.
Saludos desde Cuautitlán Izcalli, la provincia mas cercana a DF Ichtlán Suidad del Humo Eterno.