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The Bourne Supremacy r1
ya se acerca la secuela al dvd, aqui apenas se va estrenar en cines:

Title: The Bourne Supremacy
Starring: Matt Damon
Released: 7th December 2004
SRP: $29.98

Further Details
Universal has set an official release date for action thriller The Bourne Supremacy which stars the likes of Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Brian Cox, Joan Allen and Julia Stiles. This Paul Greengrass directed sequel, will be available to own in seperate widescreen and full screen releases from the 7th December this year. Retail for both of these will be set at around $29.98. I'm afraid that we have no details on extra material at the moment, but we can tell you that the widescreen disc will include a 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen presentation along with English, French and Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1 tracks. We'll bring you further details on this one, along with the official region one artwork, very shortly.
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
ojala le incluyan el dts y los subt. en español
Title: The Bourne Supremacy
Starring: Matt Damon
Released: 7th December 2004
SRP: $29.98

Further Details
Universal has announced The Bourne Supremacy which stars the likes of Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Brian Cox, Joan Allen and Julia Stiles. This Paul Greengrass directed sequel, will be available to own in seperate widescreen and full screen releases from the 7th December this year. Retail for both of these will be set at around $29.98. Each will include an English, French and Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1 track along with an audio commentary with director Paul Greengrass, deleted scenes, a Matching Identities: Casting featurette, a Keeping It Real featurette, a Blowing Things Up featurette, an On the Move with Jason Bourne featurette and a Bourne to be Wild: Fight Training featurette. Completing the package will be a Crash Cam: Racing Through the Streets of Moscow feature, a Go-Mobile Revs up the Action feature, an Anatomy of a Scene: The Explosive Bridge Chase Scene feature, a Scoring with John Powell featurette and cast and crew biographies. We've attached the artwork below along with a few menu shots: ... &n=1&burl=
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
esta es la portada:
[Imagen: bournesupremacydvd.jpg]
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
al parecer esta es la nueva portada:
[Imagen: 627224h.jpg]
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Ayer vi el DVDR de esta edición.Les confirmo el audio Ingles DD 5.1, Español DD 5.1 y subtitulos en español. Segun los menus, nada de DTS(reedición segura).

Muy buena peli, la verdad me gusto Big Grin
[Imagen: firmatheodene37bq.gif]
esta es la contraportada:
[Imagen: 627224bh.jpg]
Explosive Deleted Scenes

Crash Cam: Racing Through the Streets of Moscow
Experience how stunt-coordinators meticulously plan and execute the movie's stunning, high-speed chase sequence.

Bourne to Be Wild: Fight Training
Matt Damn didn't become a lethal weapon overnight. Witness the action as Matt Damon and the movie's fight trainer choreograph the film's brutal, hand-to-hand combat scenes!

Blowing Things Up
Virtual isn't always better. See how some of the film's most awesome pyrotechnical sequences were created - without digital effects.

To G-Mobile Revs Up the Action
Feel the rush of being in the driver’s seat with this revolutionary new vehicle used to capture Matt Damon's high-speed exploits in the movie's jaw-dropping car chase sequences!

Anatomy of a Scene: The Explosive Bridge Chase Scene
Step onto the set and experience the tension and intense preparation as the filmmaking team plans and shoots one of the movie's most demanding, dangerous and thrilling action scenes.

Matching Identities: Casting See what it took to land a part in this major action hit.

Keeping It Real
A look at the edgy and unique style the filmmakers brought to Supremacy.

On the Move with Jason Bourne
Travel the globe to visit the film's exotic locations from India to Berlin to Moscow.

Video: Widescreen 2.35:1 Color (Anamorphic)

Audio: ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1 [CC]
SPANISH: Dolby Digital 5.1
FRENCH: Dolby Digital 5.1

Subtitles: Spanish, French
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Ojala mañana todavia me permitan ordenarla como un preorder. 8)
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
La acabo de ver y me parece que es de las pocas secuelas que estan al nivel de la primera pelicula. Altamente recomendable para aquellos que no la han visto o para aquellos que les gusto la primera.
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
Yo vi esta película en el cine porque la primera me gustó mucho y hasta compré el dvd, he de decir que esta secuela es excelente, incluso en algunos momentos llega a superar a su antecesora a mi gusto, que de por si ya era muy buena.

Espero que sigan adaptando la serie de libros al cine, siempre y cuando vayan a seguir con esta linea de superar cada una a la anterior, ahora que por fin se está exterminando el mito de "segundas partes nunca serán buenas".
Los invito a conocer mi web/foro!!
A mi también me gusto la dos, aunque lo único que me llego a molestar fue las tomas muy rapidas con la cámara.
Vienen cosas buenas Big Grin
A mi me gustaron ambas, son entretenidas, todo el tiempo me tuvieron en suspenso... y lo mejor del caso es que su segunda parte no cumplio con aquel dicho de "segundas partes no son buenas"... por el contrario esta muy a la altura de la primera... :grin:

Ya tengo las dos 8)
Tengo Ganas de ti, de tu aroma y de tu ser,
de tu sabor y de tu piel,
de sentirte y hacer,
aquello a lo que tu llamas placer.
Yo también tengo ambas.
Vienen cosas buenas Big Grin

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