07-12-2012, 12:36 AM
I,Robot 3D saldra en Octubre 23 en USA
Cita:Fox Home Entertainment has announced an October 23, 2012 release for I, Robot starring Will Smith on Blu-ray 3D, a title that had been first announced without a release date earlier this year.
To commemorate the release, Fox has made a scant 250 I, Robot Blu-ray 3D gift sets that will be exclusively sold to attendees who visit the Fox booth #4313 at San Diego Comic-Con starting on Thursday. Each gift set includes an exclusive robot head that houses the movie inside.
Those wishing to pre-order a Comic-Con exclusive I, Robot Blu-ray 3D gift set will need to fork out $99.99. Once all 250 have sold through there will be no more.