07-17-2012, 11:54 AM
Cita:Anne Hathaway is the best thing in this tediously overlong, disappointing final chapter of Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy
Louise Keller
Urban Cinefile
Cita:The whole movie feels so like a series of contradictions - bloated and long yet rushed, deeply serious yet utterly silly, politically minded yet ultimately vapid - that being both wildly entertaining and a bad movie would be exactly right for it.
Devin Faraci
Badass Digest
Cita:.. it's a ticking bomb story, but a bloated one, full of the bling of blockbuster superhero filmmaking, from the giant stunts to the choreographed fight sequences and the large scale destruction of bridges, streets, and entire fleets of police vehicles.
Andrew L. Urban
Urban Cinefile
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