09-23-2003, 12:38 AM
Una pregunta más...
Cuando hiciste el reclamo, ¿te dijeron por correo electrónico que te enviarían el reeplazo?
Lo que pasa es que me respondieron lo siguiente:
Por lo que entiendo, solamente envían respuesta a la dirección de correo electrónico asociada con tu cuenta de Amazon; sin embargo, la dirección que especifiqué es precisamente la que tengo dada de alta con ellos.
Agradezco de antemano cualquier comentario al respecto que me pueda ayudar...
Cuando hiciste el reclamo, ¿te dijeron por correo electrónico que te enviarían el reeplazo?
Lo que pasa es que me respondieron lo siguiente:
Cita:Greetings from Amazon.com.
Thank you for writing to us from <!-- e --><a href="mailto:asarquis@exatec.itesm.mx">asarquis@exatec.itesm.mx</a><!-- e -->.
I have sent a reply to your message to the e-mail address associated
with your account. To protect your privacy, we can only send account
information to the e-mail address on file for your account. We
appreciate your patience with our security measures.
I hope that this does not cause you any inconvenience. Please note
that you may check the status of your account and orders at any time
by clicking on the "Your Account" link at the top of our web site.
If you have a time-sensitive concern, you can always contact us by
telephone. Our Customer Service department is open 24 hours a day,
7 days a week:
US and Canada: 1-800-201-7575
International: 1-206-266-2992
If you no longer use the e-mail address you used when you first
shopped at Amazon.com, I would strongly recommend changing the e-mail
address on file for your account.
As a security precaution, we ask that customers change their e-mail
addresses directly on our web site. This ensures that the person
requesting the change knows the password for the existing customer
account, preventing any uninvited changes.
To change your e-mail address:
1. Click on the "Your Account" link at the top of our home page.
2. Under "Personal Information," click on "Change your name,
e-mail address or password."
3. Enter your *old* e-mail address and password to sign in.
4. On the next page, enter your *new* e-mail address in the space
provided and click "Submit changes." You can also use the "Your
Account" link to view and modify your orders at any time.
Please be sure to write to us *from the e-mail address on your
account* if you have any further questions, and thank you for
shopping at Amazon.com.
Please let us know if this e-mail resolved your question:
If yes, click here:
If not, click here:
Best regards,
Matthew Fulton
Amazon.com Customer Service
Check your order and more: http://www.amazon.com/your-account
Por lo que entiendo, solamente envían respuesta a la dirección de correo electrónico asociada con tu cuenta de Amazon; sin embargo, la dirección que especifiqué es precisamente la que tengo dada de alta con ellos.
Agradezco de antemano cualquier comentario al respecto que me pueda ayudar...
Tony Sarq
Tony Sarq