09-20-2012, 05:38 PM
Blu-ray 3D
Movie 4.5
Video 4.5
3D 4.0
Audio 5.0
Extras 4.0
Overall 4.5
Blu-ray 2D
Movie 4.5
Video 4.5
Audio 5.0
Extras 4.0
Overall 4.5
Blu-ray 3D
Movie 4.5
Video 4.5
3D 4.0
Audio 5.0
Extras 4.0
Overall 4.5
Cita:The 3D version offers consistent depth, though due to the film's darkness in its first half, some of that depth is only hinted at, mostly by objects in the foreground which are more easily discerned. Though a couple of minor issues of crosstalk which may crop up for some viewers depending on their display and/or glasses, this is overall a nice looking 3D offering which never seems artificial and in fact tends to err on the side of restraint, which actually helps augment the visual immersion, since it isn't constantly "in your face". This Blu-ray offers excellent 3D video and reference quality audio, as well as an appealing package of supplements. Highly recommended.
Blu-ray 2D
Movie 4.5
Video 4.5
Audio 5.0
Extras 4.0
Overall 4.5
Cita:The first half of the film is awfully dark, making some of the action too hard to see, but once the final battle erupts during the final hour or so, The Avengers is just a nonstop assault of visual and aural treats. This Blu-ray offers superior video and reference quality audio, as well as an appealing package of supplements. Highly recommended.