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Opciones para Reproductor BD
La explicacion de weapon sobre el Sony 790 es muy buena. Yo lo compre por los motivos que el explica: Tengo proyector 3D y mi Onkyo no aguanta 3D. Hay un gabashow que participa en avs que favoreciio bastante al S790 sobre el OPPO 93 por la relacion costo beneficio. El esta convencido que la imagen del sony de Bluray esta a la par del Oppo 93 costando este aqui en USA el 50% de lo que vale el oppo. Las aplicaciones del sony streaming son superiores al Oppo. Ya si usas o no esas aplicaciones, te lleva a otra discusion. Por ejemplo yo tengo amazon prime y el Sony lo reproduce bastante bien.

Sony’s Top of the Line BDP-S790 Blu-ray 3D player (September 2012 Home Theater magazine review)

The Sony BDP-S790 has many positive features. I will first mention the negatives. The Sony BDP-S790 lacks 1GB of built in memory for BD-LIVE and requires the consumer to plug in an external USB drive to use the BD-LIVE feature (Hopefully future Sony Blu-ray players will include 1GB of built in memory for BD-LIVE). The Sony Playstation 3 offers 1Gbps networking but the Sony BDP-S790 is limited to 100Mbps networking speed. There is no legacy 480i component video output, but the Sony offers 480i composite video output for those that do not own a HD display yet. The Sony BDP-S790 offers no legacy 7.1 analog audio outputs and requires consumers to own a modern A/V receiver with HDMI input if they want to listen to the advanced audio formats. Lossy audio formats can be heard over the Blu-ray players coaxial digital or optical output with almost any legacy A/V receiver (left and right stereo analog audio output is also offered for legacy stereo systems). No DVD-Audio support on the Sony BDP-S790. Also the power cord is not detachable. If the power cord is damaged the Blu-ray player will need to be serviced by a Sony repair shop.

The many positives of the Sony BDP-S790

The Sony BDP-S790 plays Blu-rays, DVD’s, Super Audio CD’s, and standard CD’s. According to the Home Theater magazine review over 50 streaming services are offered with USB keyboard support. The USB keyboard support is a nice feature.

There are two HDMI 1.4 outputs on the Sony BDP-S790. The Sony BDP-S790 offers 4K upscaling feature for those consumers that own the $25,000 Sony VPL-VW1000ES 4K 3-D SXRD Front Projector. Also in the future 4K upscaling will become an important feature when lower cost under $10,000 4K quality displays are introduced to the consumer market.

According to the Home Theater magazine review the Sony BDP-S790 offers an outstanding video processor for both DVD and Blu-ray playback that matches the quality of the reference OPPO BDP-93 (It might even surpass it when connected to a 4K display but the 4K scaling feature was not tested in this review).

The following are select word for word quotes from the September 2012 Home Theater magazine review (review located on pages 54-56)

“If you’ve into BD-Live content, the player doesn’t include the 1 gigabyte of memory that’s needed, but you can add your own using one of the two USB ports.”

“Picture wise, the default output rivaled my reference Oppo player, which is quite an accomplishment since the BDP-S790’s MSRP is half the cost.”

“The best Blu-ray players I’ve used are the Oppo BDP-93 and BDP-95, and while the Sony BDP-S790 build quality is inferior to the Oppo’s its performance equals theirs in nearly every way. At only $250, it receives my highest recommendations.”

“As you can see in the Video Test Bench section, the BDP-S790 sailed through all of our tests and ranks up there with the very best solutions for DVD upscaling. Furthermore, the start-up time and disc-loading performance are extremely fast, and I never found myself growing impatient while the latest Blu-ray releases loaded.”

“As with virtually all Blu-ray players on the market, the Sony can internally decode Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio soundtracks and send them via HDMI as PCM.”

“The BDP-S790 has the biggest variety of streaming services – 50 in total – I’ve seen in a Blu-ray player.”

“If you aren’t a fan of using a screen-based keyboard, the BDP-S790 supports a wired or wireless USB keyboard plugged into the front USB jack.”
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club

Mensajes en este tema
Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Blaugrana - 10-10-2012, 03:23 AM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Edmundo - 10-10-2012, 06:10 AM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Blaugrana - 10-10-2012, 12:31 PM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por WeaponX Alpha - 10-10-2012, 06:06 PM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Palafox - 10-10-2012, 06:28 PM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por WeaponX Alpha - 10-10-2012, 06:50 PM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Edmundo - 10-10-2012, 08:00 PM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Blaugrana - 10-10-2012, 11:37 PM
Opciones para Reproductor BD - por WeaponX Alpha - 10-10-2012, 11:57 PM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Blaugrana - 10-11-2012, 01:21 AM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Edmundo - 10-11-2012, 08:21 PM
Opciones para Reproductor BD - por WeaponX Alpha - 10-11-2012, 08:33 PM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Edmundo - 10-11-2012, 09:11 PM
Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Henry75 - 10-12-2012, 12:01 PM
RE: Opciones para Reproductor BD - por Edmundo - 10-12-2012, 05:11 PM

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