11-06-2012, 10:08 AM
Tal vez lo hagan con stand-ins y máscaras digitales como hicieron que apareciera Schwarzenegger en Terminator Salvation.
![[Imagen: Sb4sa.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/Sb4sa.jpg)
PS- ¡Orale! Escribí correcto el apellido de ah'nold a la primera. :-P
![[Imagen: Sb4sa.jpg]](http://i.imgur.com/Sb4sa.jpg)
De la página de Wikipedia: escribió:Roland Kickinger as the T-800 Model 101, the first Terminator covered in living tissue. Arnold Schwarzenegger's facial likeness was utilized via CGI, with a mold of his face made in 1984 scanned to create the digital makeup.[31] Fellow Austrian bodybuilder and actor Kickinger, who previously portrayed Schwarzenegger in the 2005 biographical film See Arnold Run, was his physical double on set. When asked about his role, Kickinger said it's "Arnold's character in the first Terminator. That's basically my role, but 20 years before, so it establishes how the Terminator came about."[32] Polish strongman athlete Mariusz Pudzianowski was also considered for doubling Schwarzenegger.[33] If Schwarzenegger had decided not to lend his appearance to the film, then John would have shot the T-800's face off before the audience got a good look at him.[34]
PS- ¡Orale! Escribí correcto el apellido de ah'nold a la primera. :-P
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