10-28-2013, 11:06 AM
Blu-ray review
Movie 4.0
Video 2.0
Audio 3.0
Extras 1.5
Overall 2.5
Los gringos si pueden forzar a Disney a arreglar estos mugreros que están sacando a precio de oro puro, pero acá nosotros bien gracias verdad.
Ya no les compren transfers de cuarta señores, ni ediciones incompletas (léase 3D sin combo) que cuestan un ojo de la cara.
Que nos agarren confesados con la edición de Mary Poppins para fines de año
Movie 4.0
Video 2.0
Audio 3.0
Extras 1.5
Overall 2.5
Cita:Disney's touted "restoration" of Mickey's Christmas Carol is, to put it bluntly, an abject failure. Like The Sword in the Stone before it, the beloved holiday short film has been scrubbed within an inch of its life, buffed and cleaned past the point of no return, and scrubbed -- then artificially sharpened -- again, presumably just 'cause. Grain has been almost completely eradicated... along with any semblance of fine detail in the original animation, line crispness and overall clarity.
Frankly, I'm worried. The Sword in the Stone's presentation is widely and rightfully criticized as being Disney's worst, but I assumed it was a grave oversight that slipped through the usual quality control channels. Mickey's Christmas Carol suggests something more troubling is afoot. The studio would do well to find the root of the problem and eliminate it post haste. The fact that a reputation-tainting restoration is being sold at a premium price doesn't help.
Mickey's Christmas Carol Blu-ray, Overall Score and Recommendation
...suffers with a problematic, horribly scrubbed digital restoration and video presentation. Its lossy Dolby Digital 2.0 audio track and light supplemental package doesn't make the disc's rather high pricepoint any easier to swallow either. If you need Mickey's Christmas Carol in your collection, buy this one for the film and the film alone. If your decision is based on the quality of the Blu-ray itself (or the lack thereof), best to skip this one and invest your McDuck millions elsewhere
Los gringos si pueden forzar a Disney a arreglar estos mugreros que están sacando a precio de oro puro, pero acá nosotros bien gracias verdad.
Ya no les compren transfers de cuarta señores, ni ediciones incompletas (léase 3D sin combo) que cuestan un ojo de la cara.
Que nos agarren confesados con la edición de Mary Poppins para fines de año