09-02-2004, 07:37 AM
Para los que lo instalaron...
Esta solucion es para P2P(Edonkey, etc)
It´s official now that Windows XP Service Pack 2 is blocking ports.
If there are too much TCP/IP connections, the ports will blocked. Microsoft thinks that this is a good way to stop Worms and Trojans (and Filesharing ?! ). The number of TCP/IP connections which are needed to block a port is unknown.
But its known how to resolve this problem:
First, open the Registry Editor and search the following string:
Then add a new DWORD-value in the right window named "TcpNumConnections"
Then click it right->change and put a Hex-Value "fffffe" in it.
That changes the maximum TCP/IP-Connections to 16.777.214 . This is only needed at SP2.
Esta solucion es para P2P(Edonkey, etc)
It´s official now that Windows XP Service Pack 2 is blocking ports.
If there are too much TCP/IP connections, the ports will blocked. Microsoft thinks that this is a good way to stop Worms and Trojans (and Filesharing ?! ). The number of TCP/IP connections which are needed to block a port is unknown.
But its known how to resolve this problem:
First, open the Registry Editor and search the following string:
Then add a new DWORD-value in the right window named "TcpNumConnections"
Then click it right->change and put a Hex-Value "fffffe" in it.
That changes the maximum TCP/IP-Connections to 16.777.214 . This is only needed at SP2.
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.