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Oppo BDP-93
Cuando te llegue, tomale fotos...
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
Edmundo escribió:Cuando te llegue, tomale fotos...
Sip, tomaré fotos al instalar el chip, saludos.
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Si quieres organizamos un viaje a Dinamarca para recoger el chip.
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
Edmundo escribió:Si quieres organizamos un viaje a Dinamarca para recoger el chip.
Pues tú dices. por ahí nos traemos a unas danesas muy guapas, jejeje
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Ya empezaron los envios, ya no tarda el tuyo...
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
ijole, de repente me volvieron a dar ganas de volver a pedir el chip para mi oppo, a ver si ahora si me llega :?
Pantalla Samsung LN40B530
Reproductor Blu-ray OPPO BDP-80
Receptor Pioneer VSX-1019AH-K
Altavoces Frontales Monitor Audio Bronze BR5
Altavoz Central Monitor Audio Bronze BRLCR
Altavoces Traseros Monitor Audio Bronze BR2
Subwoofer Velodyne Impact 10
ahidzatx escribió:ijole, de repente me volvieron a dar ganas de volver a pedir el chip para mi oppo, a ver si ahora si me llega :?
Espera a que llegue el mío, para ver si es cierto, es la primera vez que compro con ellos, el chip del oppo 83 lo compré en ebay EU y me llegó muy bien, ojalá y ya me lo envíen, por lo menos como dice Edmundo ya los están enviando, saludos.
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
ya llego?
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
Edmundo escribió:ya llego?
Nopo sigo en espera, saludos.
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Lei en avs que ya estan llegando, pero sin instrucciones...
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
Edmundo escribió:Lei en avs que ya estan llegando, pero sin instrucciones...
Ayer 15 de Marzo recibí la notificación que ya fue enviado el chip, ahora a esperar cuando llega, espero que no la haga perdediza correos, saludos.
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Ya empezaron a salir las fotos del chip y su instalacion. Lo que no entiendo, es como le hace OPPO para que el comite de bluray no lo vete. No se que justificacion puede dar oppo para tener sockets abiertos en el mother board. Que otros usos tienen estos sockets si no es para conectar el chip para hacerlo mutliregion?
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
Ya bajé las fotos de la instalación, pero también ya puso en su página el instructivo, esperemos me llegue pronto la tarjeta, saludos.
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Ya hay nueva actualización de firmware para el Oppo 93 y 95, si tienen conectado el reproductor a internet se actualiza ahí directamente, si no en la página de Oppo pueden bajar el archivo para hacerlo pos USB o CD. ... pport.aspx
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Ya subio de precio el chip a 150 dlls, la verdad ya se puso muy caro.
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
Les comento que después de esperar tanto la llegada del mod chip que compré para el Oppo 93 para convertirlo en region free para DVD y multizona para BD, el 20 de abril me llegó por correo, la orden la hice el 11 de enero y me la enviaron el 15 de marzo, me costó 89 dolares en preventa, es la versión pro kit, el proveedor es
Han tenido varias correciones, supuestamente la versión que funciona (fue la cuarta) es la 1d.
Hoy sábado 23 de abril, ya con calma después de haber tenido de vacaciones a la familia aquí en Veracruz conmigo, me dispuse a instalar el mod chip, como todo este tipo de hardware hay que abrir el reproductor, las instrucciones se bajan de la página del proveedor, no es difícil instalarlo, sólo hacer con cuidado y no tocar piezas por aquello de la estática.
Una vez instalado lo conecté nuevamente a la luz y al receiver Onkyo, según las instrucciones estando en standby se le oprime al control remoto del oppo el 1, 2 o 3, de acuerdo al disco blue ray que pondrás (A, B o C respectivamente) como casi todos mis Bds son Zona A o libre zona, le apreté 1, por default se pone en la región 0 como region free, probé el BD de Star Wars III que es región 4, al ponerlo que me sale en la pantalla "Wrong Region", después probé el BD El Día Después de Mañana, que es Zona 2, antes con el control remoto del Oppo en Standby apreté el 2 que es para pasarlo a Zona B y tampoco quiso leer ese BD, en otros foros se habla de este mod chip que siguen teniendo problemas con la última versión 1d, exactamente con los mismos problemas que que el mío, el displey del oppo se queda en HELLO y se congela, sin leer ninguna otra región y zona que viene por default el oppo 1 y A, traté de no desesperarme y derrotarme, mandando a volar el mod chip y mandar un email al proveedor para decir que no servía su producto, me enviaran otro o me devolvieran mi dinero.
Como comento ya un poco desilucionado pero no derrotado, me dispuse a abrir nuevamente el oppo, desconectando los cables y volviendo a conectarlos asegurándome que estuvieran haciendo todos buen contacto, quise despegar el modchip de la base del oppo pero estaba bien pegado, ésto para facilitar el desconecte y conecte de los cables, volví a colocar la tapa y tornillos del oppo y nuevamente apreté el 1 para la Zona A, se prende automáticamente el reproductor aparece nuevamente en el display HELLO pero inmediatamente cambió a oppo, probé nuevamente el DVD de Star Wars Región 4 y lo reprodujo, después puse el DVD de Stargate Región 1 y chale, también lo reprodujo, después saco el DVD, apago el reproductor y así en modo Standby aprieto el 2 en el control del oppo que es para cambiar a la Zona B y pongo nuevamente el BD de El Día Después de Mañana Zona B y valió, bueno y valió lo que costó porque ya pude reproducir BD Zona A,B y C manualmente y cualquier región de DVD automáticamente.
Pongo una fotos de la operación al reproductor BD Oppo BDP 93

El Mod Chip en su cajita
[Imagen: lafoto11-1.jpg]

El Mod Chip y sus conexiones
[Imagen: lafoto2-1.jpg]

El Oppo 93 antes de instalar el Mod Chip
[Imagen: lafoto3-1-1.jpg]

El Oppo ya con el Mod Chip instalado y funcionando correctamente
[Imagen: lafoto4-1.jpg]

Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
gracias Mario por las fotos. Sabes a que se refieren con la posibilidad de actualizar tu chip mediante firmware?
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
Hola Edmundo gusto en saludarte
También me he preguntado lo mismo, en la página del proveedor sólo te dicen que en cuanto haya alguna te mandarán un correo para descargarla y por usb se hace, esta es una diferencia con el chip sencillo, además de cuando quieres cambiar de zona sólo debes de apretar un botón del control cuando está en standby, pero como comentas en otro post, ya está muy caro, a ciencia cierta por el momento no se sabe hasta dónde conviene comprar la versión Pro por 159 Dls o la sencilla por 89 Dls, lo bueno que cuando compré mi mod kit me lo vendieron a 89 aunque me tuve que esperar 3 meses para tenerlo.
Un abrazo
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Aquí dejo datos de otro chip para hacer region free y multizona el oppo 93, está mas barato y se puede instalar interna o externamente: ... -p-14.html
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Disculpas, se repitió el mensaje.
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Pues para los poseedores de este increíble reproductor de BD, Oppo está lanzando un firmware beta con varias mejoras, entre ellas una que está causando mucho gusto, ya que ahora el Oppo tendrá soporte para BD ISO, quienes ya instalaron el firmware están reportando que lo reproduce perfectamente así como los menús, esperemos que en unos días lancen la versión oficial del firmware para actualizar, son varias las mejoras o correcciones que trae pero por el momento muchos están hablando de ésta.
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
También soporta archivos OGG y OGM Vorbis
Ya hice la actualización con este Beta pero no tengo archivos ISO

OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware Update
Release Information:

Release date: June 10, 2011
Category: Public Beta Release

Main Version: BDP9x-50-0608
Loader Version: CN0900
Sub Version: MCU93-09-0218 (BDP-93), MCU95-08-0218 (BDP-95)

Note: This release is still a beta test version, not an official release. Use it only if you would like to experiment with the new features and improvements. There is a very small chance of the new features and improvements not working properly. If that happens, please report any issue to us.

Release Notes:

This version is designed for the OPPO BDP-93 and BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc players. Comparing to the previous public beta release version BDP9x-46-0428B, the major changes included in this version are:

VUDU HD Movies is added to the "Internet" section of the Home Menu.
The Netflix application is upgraded to version 2.1. This upgrade adds the "Search" function.
Upgrade the Blu-ray loader firmware (CN0900), which can read discs more quietly, smoothly and robustly.
Add a new option for "Output Volume" in the setup menu (Setup -> Audio Processing -> Output Volume). You can either enable or disable volume control for the analog audio output. When "Output Volume" is set to "Fixed", the player outputs a fixed volume level that is the same as the volume control set to 100. When “Output Volume” is set to “Variable”, the analog output volume can be controlled by the remote "VOL +/-" buttons. If you use your A/V receiver or pre-amp to control the volume, we recommend disabling the volume control on the player to avoid accidentally reducing the player's output level.
Add the "direct play" support for DVD-A discs. Once the disc loading is done, you can directly press the STOP followed by the PLAY buttons on the remote to start the playback. This feature is useful for customers who do not use a video monitor while playing audio discs.
Added ID-Tag support for APE and FLAC files. Now these formats will show Title, Artist, Album and Genre on screen when played back at the Home Menu. Embedded Album Art is also supported for FLAC files.
Added OGG and OGM Vorbis media support. For OGG, the channel number is limited up to 2 and the sample rate is limited up to 96KHz.
Improve BD-Live connectivity. For example, "MovieIQ" will now properly connect and download additional media on selected Sony Pictures Blu-rays.
Improve DLNA performance, which includes faster indexing and more reliable media playback, and added additional DLNA server support.
Improve HDMI compatibility with some A/V receivers and televisions.
Improve the general disc compatibility based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples.

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Pues ya está la nueva actualización del firmware del Oppo 93 y 95, se comenta que es la mejor que ha lanzado Oppo, con varias mejoras, ahí se las dejo, como ando de vacaciones actualizaré a mi regreso, disfrútenla. ... -0707.aspx

OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware Update
Release Information:

Release date: July 13, 2011
Category: Latest Official Release

Main Version: BDP9x-52-0707
Loader Version: CN0900
Sub Version: MCU93-09-0218 (BDP-93), MCU95-08-0218 (BDP-95)

Release Notes:

This version is designed for the OPPO BDP-93 and BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc players. This version is the same as the latest public beta release version BDP9x-52-0707B. Comparing to the previous official release version BDP9x-42-0323, the major changes included in this version are:

Added VUDU HD Movies streaming. Access VUDU at the Home or Source Menu.
The Netflix interface is upgraded to version 2.1. This upgrade allows for Canadian customers to stream Netflix and adds the "Search" function.
Added the Zoom and Aspect Ratio (AR) adjustment for BD-Java enabled discs (available on HDMI 1 only). To take advantage of this functionality, set the Primary Output to HDMI 1 (Video Setup), use a resolution other than “Source Direct”, and use the HDMI 1 output on the BDP-93. During the disc playback, press the ZOOM button to change the zoom level and AR on the fly. A momentarily black screen may be observed but this is normal. Please note that 3D BD-Java Blu-rays do not allow for Zoom adjustments.
Improved the Speaker Configuration options under Audio Processing. It is now possible to independently set distances for each speaker (previously speaker groups were treated as linked pairs), speaker distances can now be set to the actual spatial distance of the speakers (previously no speaker could be set further from listening position and the Front Left/Right speakers), “Test Tones” can now be used in conjunction with the player’s internal trim controls, speaker distances can now be set in quarter foot increments and speakers no longer require a minimum distance.
Added a new option for "Volume Control" under Setup -> Audio Processing. This function allows for enabling or disabling the analog volume controls (also known as Variable Audio). If set to "OFF" then the VOL-/+ keys on the remote will no longer affect the analog audio output.
Added "Direct Play" support for DVD-Audio titles. After loading the DVD-Audio title, pressing STOP followed by PLAY on the remote control will directly access the first Group/Title, bypassing any menu.
Improved HDMI compatibility with some Audio/Video (AV) receivers. Some customers reported that after updating to the previous Official 42-0323 firmware, HDMI handshake problems (such as momentary black screen, audio and/or video dropout,flashing screen, etc.) were observed, and in most cases, it only happened on HDMI 1 not on HDMI 2.
Upgraded the Blu-ray loader driver (CN0900). This upgrade should result in smoother and quieter disc operation.
Added OGG and OGM Vorbis media support.
Added ID-Tag support for APE and FLAC files. Now these formats will show Title, Artist, Album and Genre on screen when played back at the Home Menu. Embedded Album Art is also supported for FLAC files.
Improved access and read speed to external hard drive (HDD) connected with USB or eSATA, especially when two external HDDs are connected in parallel.
Improved BD-Live connectivity. For example, "MovieIQ" will now properly connect and download additional media on select Sony Pictures Blu-rays.
Improved DLNA performance, which includes faster indexing and more reliable media playback, and added additional DLNA server support.
Fixed the incorrect vertical stretch on some 4:3 DVD films, such as "TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH" (FOX 2002). This issue could be observed when TV Aspect Ratio is set to "16:9 Wide/Auto" and no zooming operation is performed.
Improved general disc compatibility based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples.

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.

Firmware Upgrade Instructions:

Warning: Although firmware upgrade is an easy and usually trouble-free process, it is important to ensure that the power supply to the player is stable, and the upgrade process is not interrupted. A failed firmware upgrade can render the player unusable.

There are three ways to upgrade the firmware. If your player has an Internet connection, the easiest way to upgrade the firmware is the "Via Network" method. If you have a USB thumb drive, you may choose the "Via USB" method. You can also use the "Via Disc" method by preparing a firmware upgrade CD yourself or requesting a firmware CD from OPPO customer service. Please follow one of the three procedures below based on the upgrade method chosen.


Firmware Upgrade via the Internet

Turn on your TV display and the OPPO player. Eject the disc tray from the OPPO player and remove any disc. Make sure that the player and the player is not playing any content.
Press the SETUP button on the remote control to enter the setup menu. Select Device Setup, Firmware Upgrade, and then Via Network.
The player will start searching for the new firmware from an OPPO firmware server. Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the firmware upgrade process. Use the remote control to respond to on-screen prompts. Do not use the front panel buttons because the front panel buttons will stop working during the upgrade process.
In order to complete the firmware upgrade process, the player will turn off automatically.
Turn on the player again after the firmware upgrade process is completed. Repeat from Step 2 above until the player reports that it already has the latest version. This will ensure that the player downloads and installs all parts of the firmware update.
Check the new firmware version by going to the setup menu, and then selecting Device Setup - Firmware Information.
Congratulations! You have just completed the firmware upgrade.

Firmware Upgrade via a USB Thumb Drive

Click here to download the firmware file
Insert a USB thumb drive to the computer that stores the downloaded zip file. (The USB drive must be in FAT or FAT32 format, not NTFS. If you are not sure, just use a new USB drive that is 2GB or smaller since small drives are usually factory-formatted in FAT/FAT32.) Unzip the firmware file to the USB drive. Verify that the USB drive now contains a UPG folder and that the UPG folder is in the root/main directory of the USB drive. Please ensure that the UPG folder is not contained within any other folder. There are 3 files in the UPG folder: BDP9X.BIN, BDP9X.SIGN, DVD460.BIN.

Remove the USB drive from the computer.
Turn on your TV display and the OPPO player. Eject the disc tray from the OPPO player and remove any disc. Make sure that there is no other USB drive connected to the player.
Insert the USB drive containing the firmware file to a USB port on the player's front or back panel.
The player usually can recognize the firmware file and prompt you for firmware upgrade. In case the player does not prompt you, press the SETUP button on the remote control to enter the setup menu. Select Device Setup, Firmware Upgrade, and then Via USB.
Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the firmware upgrade process. Use the remote control to respond to on-screen prompts. Do not use the front panel buttons because the front panel buttons will stop working during the upgrade process.
In order to complete the firmware upgrade process, the player will turn off automatically. Unplug the USB drive after the player turns itself off.
Turn on the player again after the firmware upgrade process is completed. Check the new firmware version by going to the setup menu, and then selecting Device Setup - Firmware Information.
Congratulations! You have just completed the firmware upgrade. Delete the UPG folder and its content from the USB drive so you do not accidentally install the firmware again.

Firmware Upgrade via CD

If you requested a firmware CD from OPPO customer service, jump to step 5 of this procedure. You may also follow steps 2 - 4 to burn a firmware CD.
Click here to download the firmware CD image file BDP9x-52-0707-CD-Image.iso
Use your favorite CD/DVD burning software to burn a firmware disc from the downloaded CD image file. While doing this, make sure you are not creating a new data disc, but burning from the already-created ISO CD image. Please consult your CD burning software's help/instruction manual for more information on how to do this. Some general instruction for common CD burning software is listed below.
After the disc is burned, verify on the computer that the disc now contains a UPG folder. There are 3 files in the UPG folder: BDP9X.BIN, BDP9X.SIGN, DVD460.BIN. This is your firmware disc.


Turn on your TV display and the OPPO player. Make sure that the player is not playing any content.
Eject the disc tray, put in the firmware disc, and then close the tray. The player usually can recognize the firmware disc and prompt you for firmware upgrade. In case the player does not prompt you, press the SETUP button on the remote control to enter the setup menu. Select Device Setup, Firmware Upgrade, and then Via Disc.
Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the firmware upgrade process. Use the remote control to respond to on-screen prompts. Do not use the front panel buttons because the front panel buttons will stop working during the upgrade process.
Remove the disc from the tray when the tray ejects out. In order to complete the firmware upgrade process, the player will turn off automatically. In case the player retracts the tray and turns off before you remove the firmware disc, press the OPEN/CLOSE button on the front panel. The player will turn on and the tray will eject. Remove the disc at this time.
Turn on the player again after the firmware upgrade process is completed. Check the new firmware version by going to the setup menu, and then selecting Device Setup - Firmware Information.
Congratulations! You have just completed the firmware upgrade. Erase or discard the firmware disc so you do not accidentally install the firmware again.

General instructions on working with ISO image files

Note: These are general instructions on how to burn the firmware CD with common CD burning software. Please consult your CD burning software's help/instruction manual for more detail.

In Nero Burning Rom version 6 or above , go to the 'Recorder > Burn Image' menu and select the ISO image you downloaded.
In Nero Burning ROM version 5 or earlier, just go to Nero Burning ROMs 'File > Burn Image' option and select the ISO image you downloaded.
In Nero Express select the option for 'Disc Image or Saved Project' to select the ISO image file you downloaded and burn to CD.
In Easy CD Creator , go to 'File > Record CD from CD Image' and select the ISO image you downloaded.
In Power2Go , go to 'Burning > Burn Disc Image' and select the ISO image you downloaded.
In ImgBurn, go to 'Write image file to disc' and select the ISO image you downloaded.
In burnatonce, go to 'File > Load New Image...' and select the ISO image you downloaded. Click the "Write" button to burn the CD.
Contact OPPO Support:

OPPO Digital, Inc.
2629 Terminal Blvd., Suite B
Mountain View, CA 94043 USA

Phone: (650) 961-1118
E-Mail: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Wiki: OPPO BDP-93
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Ya hay nueva versión de firmware para el este magnífico reproductor de BD, dejo el link para quien se interese en actualizar, saludos. ... -0917.aspx

OPPO BDP-93/BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware Update

Release Information:

Release date: September 26, 2011
Category: Latest Official Release

Main Version: BDP9x-57-0917
Loader Version: CN0900
Sub Version: MCU93-09-0218 (BDP-93), MCU95-08-0218 (BDP-95)

Release Notes:

This version is designed for the OPPO BDP-93 and BDP-95 Blu-ray Disc players. Comparing to the previous official release version BDP9x-52-0707, the major changes included in this version are:
1. Added Pandora Internet Radio streaming. The audio quality is 128 Kbps compressed stream decoded to 44.1KHz/16bit, 2-channel for both free and premium accounts. You can access Pandora by pressing the HOME button, and then select "Internet" from the Home Menu, or by pressing SOURCE and selecting Pandora. This service is limited to U.S. residents only.
2.Added YouTube Leanback streaming. YouTube LeanBack is designed to provide an uninterrupted stream of HD videos from YouTube like you were watching a normal television channel. Access YouTube Leanback from the Home Menu -> Internet, or by pressing SOURCE and selecting YouTube.
3.Resolved errors related to the player freezing when loading specific Netflix streams. In the previous firmware, when playing movies with optional language and subtitle selection, the player may freeze at the initial buffering screen. Examples of titles affected include "Shutter Island", "LOST. Season 1. Pilot" and "The One".
4.Improved the subtitle support in M2TS/TS playback through USB drive, external hard drive or DLNA streaming. Customers have reported that the movie picture could occasionally freeze up during the playback, while the time counter was still moving forward. This issue was related to subtitles and has been resolved in this release.
5.Resolved the subtitle flickering or image stuttering issue during some 3D movie playback. This issue has been reported to happen randomly on some 3D movies released in Asia or Europe. Sample titles include "Step Up", "SAW" and "Resident Evil: Afterlife".
6.Resolved the image vertical stretch issue observed on some legacy DVD's. Customers have reported that when playing these DVD's using HDMI 1 and setting Aspect Ratio to "16:9 Wide/Auto", the pictures were vertically stretched. This issue could happen to certain 4:3 DVD's issued before or around 2000, and sample titles include "The Abyss", "Titanic", "TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH (2002)" and "1941 (1979)".
7.Improved support for user-created DVD-Audio discs. In the previous firmware, the on-screen display and the front panel time counters may stop at 00:00:00 when playback advanced from Track 1 to Track 2. This was mostly observed on user-created DVD-Audio discs which were “Audio Only” and contained no menus, backgrounds, or additional features.
8.Resolved the Test Tone missing or harsh noise issues. Some customers have reported these using some special combinations of downmix mode and speaker setting.
9.Improved the audio information display, e.g., previously "MLP 5.1" was shown as "5.1", "1/2 DTS 6.1" was shown as "1/2 DTS 5.1".
10.Added brief chapter information (Current Chapter/Total Chapters) on-screen display when pressing PREV or NEXT button to skip chapters. This feature only applies to commercial discs which include Blu-ray, DVD and DVD-Audio.
11.Improved general disc compatibility based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples. Sample movies include "Avatar(3D)", "Journey to Mecca", "Alice (2009 Miniseries)" and "Pirate of Caribbean 4" (3D version released in Asia and Europe).
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Estimados poseedores de este equipo Oppo 93, si fueran tan amables de responder a una pregunta:

Les comenta que estoy por hacer el mueble de mi centro de entretenimiento, y quiero saber si este equipo requiere de cierto espacio adicional para evitar que se sobrecaliente?, ya que tengo contemplado hacerme de uno de estos y de una vez considerar las medidas exactas para su ubicación.

Por su atención gracias
Como todo, cualquier aparato de estas características es recomendable que no esté muy encerrado, que fluya aire, pero no es tan caliente como un amplificador o receiver, si vives en una ciudad con temperaturas altas lo mejor es no encerrarlos, mi HT de Puebla que tenga dentro de un mueble le puse un ventiladorcito de esos que usan los CPUs, a 120 volts que no son ruidosos y que puedes conseguir en Steren, el mío lo instalé dejando entre el receiver y el reproductor un espacio y sobre el receiver de atrás para adelante sacaba el aire caliente y se mantenía una buena temperatura, en Veracruz todos mis aparatos incluyendo el Oppo 93 están sobre un muebla de HT que compré en Costco, concluyendo si no lo vas a colocar sobre un ampli o algo que produzca calor puedes dejarlo en el mueble, dejando por lo menos un cm de lado y sobre el reproductor.
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Bien muchas gracias por la recomendación, el espacio que le tengo "designado" es de 50 X 12 cm y el aparato mide 43 X 8, pero lo que si es que está totalmente cerrado por la parte trasera del mueble, por enfrente esta libre, como ves?.

Si está libre por el frente no le veo problema, a menos que lo tuvieras con alguna puerta de cristal cerrando la ventilación completamente.
Recibe un fuerte abrazo
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR
Hoy lei en avs que sale el nuevo oppo este anio.
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
El 14 de agosto Oppo lanzó una nueva actualización de las mejoras que hace es la reproducción "DVD 24p conversion" 1080p/24Hz entre otras cosas para el Oppo 93-95, este modo de reprodución lo tiene el Oppo 83 lo cual ya no lo traía el 93-95.
Para los que tenemos instalado el modchip pro version para que sea región free de BDs y DVDs este nuevo firmware deshabilita el modchip y sólo se puede reproducir BDs zona A, pero los fabricantes del modchip pro version el 17 de agosto lanzaron una actualización para el modchip es la 1-1a que vuelve a activar el modchip para que vuelva a reproducir cualquier zona o región de los BDs y DVDs
Mario G.

Pantalla LED 3D 55" Samsung UN55ES8000
Receiver Onkyo TX-NR808 7.2
Bocinas Frontales y Central MA RS8, Laterales B&W 602 S3, SW PSB Subsonic 6i, Surround Back Celestion AVS 301
BR OPPO BDP-93 y Samsung BD-5900
Cable y DVR

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