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Maxell BR-LC Blu-ray Lens Cleaner
[Imagen: 511eU0fQrTL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

Product Description
From the Manufacturer
Maxell BR-LC Blu-ray Lens Cleaner
Dust and dirt can build-up over time which can degrade picture quality and keep your Blu-ray disc player from running at its optimal performance. There are several lens cleaners in today’s market; however, most of them feature brushes or chemicals which can be harmful to your Blu-ray player.

Wind Funnel Cleaning System
Maxell’s BR-LC lens cleaner uses its exclusive patented Wind Funnel cleaning technology to safely remove dust and dirt. Unlike other lens cleaners that use brushes and chemicals, the BR-LC delicately removes excessive build-up and residue. The cleaning process is simple. Insert the lens cleaner disc into your Blu-ray player. While it is in the player, the disc rotates and the two holes on the disc generate an air stream in the spiral motion. This air stream changes into an "air shower" when it passes through the two holes and reaches the narrow space of .15mm between the lens and the disc. The power of the air shower gently removes dust particles on the lens without damaging the player.

Interactive On-screen Instructions
The multilingual on-screen interactive program allows you to choose options to explain the cleaning process, equipment performance tests, and other disc features.

Equipment Performance Tests
Test the performance of your Blu-ray disc player to determine if it is operating at its optimum level. Choose between the speaker and channel test or the polarity verification test.

Compatible with Multiple Players
The BR-LC works with all Blu-ray players including Playstation 3 and XBOX 360. Though the BR-LC was designed for Blu-ray players, it will work with all HD DVD and DVD compatible players. You can easily and safely clean all of your media equipment with the BR-LC. Due to the Wind Funnel technology, you can use the BR-LC cleaner an unlimited amount of times, unlike other lens cleaners with brushes that wear or chemicals that run out.

Preserve the Life of Your Blu-ray Player
The BR-LC Blu-ray Lens Cleaner will ensure you can enjoy the very best your media has to offer. It can maintain the pristine condition of your Blu-ray player by removing excessive build-up and residue and prevent any permanent damage; allowing you to enjoy your Blu-ray player for years on end.

Product Description
Cleans delicate Blu-Ray, PS3, Xbox 360 and HD disc players. Exclusive patented wind funnel cleaning technology. Clean the delicate lenses without the use of brushes or chemicals. Multi on-screen interactive program allows the user to choose options to explain the cleaning process and other disc features. Memory & Blank Media. AV Care. Laser Lens Cleaners...

video explicativo:

¿Que saben de este disco?, ¿Que tan necesario es?
Todos mis BDs en venta, escucho propuestas.
Tiene unos reviews bastante malitos.... Me quedo con el dicho, "if ain't broke, dont fix it...."
Pues yo lo compre en Sanborns debido a que mi reproductor BDP-S350 se esta "freezeando" con todas las peliculas y es un disco blu-ray con 2 hoyitos de cada lado y se supone que por ahi saca el polvo pero a mi no me sirvio porque el reproductor sigue fallando con las peliculas pero cuando pongo el limpiador si lo toca bien y todas las pruebas que trae el disco tambien. En mi caso parece ser que es el reproductor y lo voy a tener que reemplazar.
Espero les ayude esta info.
Ashy, a mi reproductor le pasaba lo mismo y lo que me funcionó para corregirlo fue un disco (CD) limpiador con 2 cepillitos en lugar de orificios.

Aquí está la historia completa.

Doktor's Collection
(08-07-2012, 01:25 PM)drsnarf escribió: Ashy, a mi reproductor le pasaba lo mismo y lo que me funcionó para corregirlo fue un disco (CD) limpiador con 2 cepillitos en lugar de orificios.

Aquí está la historia completa.

Vale la pena intentarlo por un precio tan bajo y no tener que comprar otro reproductor, gracias drsnarf.
No hay de qué, ojalá se corrija.

Doktor's Collection

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