Mensajes: 1,792
Temas: 89
Registro en: May 2003
Ahora que ya no es un rumor y fué oficialmente presentada esta edición comienzan a surgir los primeros detalles oficiales:
De DVDanswers:
Cita:Title: Titanic
Starring: Kate Winslet
Released: October 2005
SRP: Prices TBC
Further Details
Paramount Home Entertainment has released early details on two editions of the Oscar-winning Titanic which stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. The film will be available in seperate two-disc and four-disc collector's editions. The two-disc special edition will include a branching feature, enabling fans to view a wide selection of never-before-seen footage. The four-disc collector's edition will be the ultimate for film and DVD enthusiasts - containing numerous deleted scenes, new in-depth documentaries that explore the odyssey of the making of the film and much more. The film itself will be presented in a brand new high definition transfer along with 6.1 Dolby Digital Audio offering the highest level of picture and sound quality on DVD. James Cameron commented: "The three year process of making Titanic seemed at times as arduous as the building of the original ship itself. Until recently, I wasn't really ready to dive back into it all and re-live the conflicts, disappointments, tough choices and, ultimately, the film's crazy, unexpected success. This special edition is more than just the hour or so of unseen footage we're including.we're taking fans on an untold journey, one which could have ended just as disastrously as Titanic's maiden voyage, and often seemed as if it would." We'll bring you further details very shortly.
Esperemos mas detalles en los próximos dias.
Compra segura para mi, no porque la pelicula sea una maravilla del cine moderno(que no lo es obviamente) sino porque estoy casi seguro que la edición será una joya en el mundo DVD y como coleccionista no puedo dejar pasar la oportunidad de tenerla.
Mensajes: 7,095
Temas: 155
Registro en: Dec 2002
Si ya se esperaron tantos años, mejor que esperen a sacarla en BluRay o HD-DVD, así le ponen todos los extras que se les de la gana.
Entrando al mundo HD
Mis DVD's Act. el 14/diciembre/2009.
Mi HT Act. el 07/jun/2006.
Mensajes: 9,418
Temas: 492
Registro en: Dec 2002
Tambien pense en blue ray, pero seria demasiado caro el titulo y no vale la pena.
Mensajes: 3,927
Temas: 159
Registro en: Mar 2003
Cita:Well... we're just back from Paramount and 20th Century Fox's special press event this afternoon in Beverly Hills. Director James Cameron and producer Jon Landau were on hand (as were Paramount CEO Rob Friedman and Fox chairman Jim Gianopulos) to announce the DVD release of the long awaited Titanic: Special Collector's Edition. As we first reported here at The Bits in February, there will be two versions... a 2-disc release and a 4-disc release, both of which will street on the same day in October. The exact street date and SRP are both still TBA (Paramount will release the discs in the U.S. and Fox will release them internationally on the same day). Just so you all can relax, the 2-disc version will basically be identical to the first two discs of the 4-disc release, so there's no need to buy both. If you buy the 4-disc release, you'll get ALL the extras and supplemental content available. Longtime readers of The Bits will be pleased to know that Van Ling, a regular collaborator with Cameron on his past DVD releases, has been tasked with supervising the production of this new edition.
Cameron and Landau revealed some details about the DVDs during the press conference, and I was able to get additional information during the Q&A session that followed their presentation. Both versions will feature the original theatrical cut of the film, which Cameron considers to be his 'director's cut'. He's just supervised and approved a new high-definition transfer of the film, so you can expect it to be presented (at long last) in anamorphic widescreen on the DVDs. Both DVDs will feature Dolby Digital 5.1 EX audio (DTS MAY be included as well, but this has yet to be decided - it's an issue of how much content needs to be included on the discs, and how much room will be available once all the extras are finalized). As with the recent 4-disc Lord of the Rings DVDs, the film itself will be split over the first two discs to allow for the highest possible video and audio quality. I was also able to learn that the film discs will likely include multiple audio commentary tracks - certainly one with Cameron, but also separate tracks with various crew members and possible a cast commentary as well.
In terms of bonus features, the film discs will offer a special 'branching' option (similar to what Fox has used on its complete season sets of The X-Files) that allows you to jump out of the film at various points (when an icon appears on screen) to view footage that was deleted from that particular point in the film. Some 58 minutes of deleted scenes will be available in all. Keep in mind, this will NOT be edited back into the film. The deleted scenes will be offered separately on the discs (in addition to their accessibility via the branching feature while viewing the film). The deleted scenes will reportedly have special video lead-ins and optional Cameron commentary that explains why the footage was cut. The deleted material is reportedly fairly substantial and will include a number of nice character moments with Jack and Rose, as well as additional less important (but historically accurate) footage. Cameron is currently making the creative decisions necessary to 'finish' this footage in order to bring it up to release quality (including any visual effects that might need to be completed, as well as supervising sound mixes and scoring the material).
Other extras you can expect on the new DVDs include a wealth of rare behind-the-scenes footage from the Lightstorm vaults - 2 full discs worth. This will include time-lapse footage of the massive set and studio construction, new and vintage cast and crew interviews and other never-before-seen material. Nearly 400 hours of behind-the-scenes footage was shot during the production of Titanic in all. Another long-time Cameron collaborator, Ed Marsh (who shot much of this footage originally), is culling through it all to produce a definitive feature-length documentary on the making of the film, taking you from the very beginnings of the idea with Cameron pitching the concept to the studio, through all of the stress, angst and criticism generated by the production, to the film's eventual release and massive worldwide success. Along the way, you'll hear from literally everyone involved in the production, including all of the major cast and crew. Both Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio have agreed to participate in the DVD production, for interviews and possibly commentary if schedules permit. By the way, you should already be familiar with Ed Marsh's work - he's the man who created the outstanding Under Pressure: Making The Abyss documentary on Fox's previous The Abyss: Special Edition (both the laserdisc and later DVD).
After the press conference, I had the chance to speak with Cameron directly for a few minutes. Asked about his take on the looming format war between HD-DVD and Blu-ray Disc, Cameron said that he'd seen demonstrations of both formats, and has looked at each critically with an eye toward spotting artifacts and other quality related issues. He's impressed with both HD-DVD and Blu-ray, and feels that it's a bit of a wash in terms of which format has the technical edge. Although Cameron is looking forward to a future high-definition release of Titanic (and the new transfer of the film was done in HD), he's not planning an HD release anytime soon. This new SCE will be standard DVD only. When asked if he has a preference for either HD-DVD or Blu-ray, he wisely noted that he's letting the industry and the market decide which format will prevail, although he does hope that a single format will quickly be adopted by the industry as a whole.
Interestingly, Cameron also said that there were two main reasons why it took so long for a special edition DVD of Titanic to happen. The first is that the previous movie-only version is still selling quite well (meaning there was no urgent economic pressure to get a more elaborate version done before this). The other is that the process of making the film was such a grueling experience that most involved needed to leave the project behind for a few years in order to feel the desire to revisit it again for a worthy special edition. That said, Cameron and Landau have been planning this new edition for nearly two years, and have put a great deal of thought into what they want to include for the film's many fans.
On an interesting side note, Cameron also spoke about his passion for 3-D film presentation. He and fellow filmmaker George Lucas are spearheading a major effort to get movie theaters around the world to upgrade not only to digital projection, but also to add the capability to exhibit films in 3-D format. In fact, Cameron and Lucas are hosting a demonstration of the 3-D process for theater owners at the ShoWest convention in Las Vegas this week (in addition to CG-animated 3-D films, Lucas's people have reportedly developed a way to render 3-D versions of existing 2-D films). Cameron says that this is the main reason he's waited so long to begin pre-production on his next major theatrical film - a live action version of the Japanese anime Battle Angel Alita. Cameron plans to shoot the film digitally in 3-D format. What's more, he says that Lucas and other filmmakers (like Robert Zemeckis and possibly Peter Jackson too) are also planning to shoot 3-D films in the future. They expect that the availability of good 3-D film content will drive interest in the 3-D experience theatrically, and that in turn could fuel demand for bringing the 3-D process into the home as well. Cameron noted that both HD-DVD and Blu-ray Disc (and current DVD as well) could be adapted to deliver 3-D footage, but that the main obstacle to high-quality 3-D at home is the low refresh rate of current TV monitors. Displays offering much higher rates will be needed in the future to show flicker-free 3-D images in your living rooms.
So there you have it. All the available details regarding the forthcoming Titanic: Special Collector's Edition and some other interesting stuff too, all straight from The Man himself. I have to tell you, I really enjoyed the opportunity to speak with Cameron in person. He's clearly very thoughtful, intelligent and savvy in terms of the latest developments in film and video technology, and I found him to be very genuine and personable. I look forward to having the chance to speak with him at greater length in the future.
Just so you know, there's no cover art available yet for these forthcoming DVDs, and all of the specific disc specs are still being worked out. You can be sure that we'll get them to you as soon as they're finalized by the studio. I'll try to post a few pictures from today's event in the next day or two for those of you who might be interested. In the meantime, I hope you've all enjoyed my report.
fuente: The Digital Bits <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
Mensajes: 6,512
Temas: 152
Registro en: Mar 2003
Excelente, esta la compro sin pensarlo, ojala FOX la saque bien aquí.
Por cierto aún esta pendiente el DTS track, que ojala si lo incluyan.
Ahi Cameron comenta que solo se lanzará en DVD, ya que aún no se decie por HD DVD o Blu Ray y que se tardo tanto en lanzar porque todos querian descansar del stress que ocasiono la película (tema que será tocado en los extras).
El productor es Van Ling, quien hizo el excelente set de Alien.
Vienen cosas buenas
Mensajes: 1,319
Temas: 58
Registro en: Jun 2004
Excelente noticia.
Yo no entiendo por que tanta gente sataniza titanic.. a mi me gusta bastante la pelicula. Entiendo que esta sobrevalorada y no merece ser la pelicula mas taquillera de la historia (aunque, entendiendo como se comporta el mercado, tiene todos los ingredientes para serlo) ...ademas de que tiene algunos momentos verdaderamente estupidos... Pero aun asi, gustele a quien no le guste, es un clasico y esta es compra segura. Sobre todo porque se ve que va a ser una excelente edicion. Tal vez la mejor del año. Me muero por escuchar ese sonido del titanic hundiendose en DTS!!
Mensajes: 5,172
Temas: 372
Registro en: Feb 2003
A ver si ahora sí la compro
Cinescape, Imperator in Aeternum
Tengo una vaca lechera, no es una vaca cualquiera,
Me da leche condensada, hay que vaca tan salada,
Tolón, tolón, tolón, tolón
Mensajes: 982
Temas: 76
Registro en: Dec 2002
Yo no soy muy fan de la pelicula, pero esta edición de 4 discos como que me esta moviendo el tapete, aparte de los extras que si me gustaria ver como hicieron la pelicula desde su pre-produccion hasta practicamente el estreno y las premiaciones en los Oscares, ojala que Cameron si agregue esta vez el track DTS y no vaya a salir como con la de Aliens EE que según no se lo agrego porque estaba satisfecho con la calidad del dolby digital.
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
Para mi es compra asegurada, claro que estoy interesado en la de 4 discos que, quien sabe si vaya a salir en R4 o solo la de dos discos, ya ven que Fox latina saca muy buenas cosas con cajas bonitas y todo, asi que igual y me espero un poco después del lanzamiento en r1.
A mi la pélícula me encanta, sobre todo por la producción tan enorme que tiene, es por eso que los extras pueden ser muy muy interesantes. A mucha gente no le gusta esta película porque la tachan de "cursi", pero la verdad esque la parte del hundimiento del barco es espectacular, los efectos especiales son excelentes y bueno, siempre hace falta por ahí una historia de amor, las más grandes películas de la historia tienen su lado romántico, hasta Star wars!
asi que si, yo si le entro...
Mensajes: 1,792
Temas: 89
Registro en: May 2003
Excelente información Lucho, sin duda alguna este DVD sacará provecho de lo que la tecnología DVD puede ofrecer.
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
estaría chidísimo que uno de los extras fuera un tour virtual en 3D por el barco (antes y depsués del hunidmiento), apoco no sería cool?
Mensajes: 1,745
Temas: 24
Registro en: Mar 2003
Una de las peliculas que más detesto, pero en fin. En mi casa muchos brincaron y seguramente tendrá que ser parte del a DVD-teca! a huevo. :?
Mensajes: 5,172
Temas: 372
Registro en: Feb 2003
Me gustaría que sacaran éste edición en R 4...
Cinescape, Imperator in Aeternum
Tengo una vaca lechera, no es una vaca cualquiera,
Me da leche condensada, hay que vaca tan salada,
Tolón, tolón, tolón, tolón
Mensajes: 2,805
Temas: 126
Registro en: Nov 2003
Yo tambien me apunto, lo mas probable es que si salga en R4, asi que me esperare a ver que tal es la presentacion, y seguramente la compro ya sea en version de 2 discos (la edicion mas probable en mexico) o de 4, y ojala que si agreguen el DTS-ES  hock:
Mensajes: 3,139
Temas: 299
Registro en: Apr 2004
Yo creo que si le doy chance, la película en si nunca fue ni será la gran maravilla, eso es cierto, y es más visual que nada, pero la de 4 discos se ve bien.
Mensajes: 7,095
Temas: 155
Registro en: Dec 2002
cinescape escribió:Me gustaría que sacaran éste edición en R 4... A quien no :roll:.
Entrando al mundo HD
Mis DVD's Act. el 14/diciembre/2009.
Mi HT Act. el 07/jun/2006.
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
miren esto:
The original Titanic DVD was distributed by Paramount and that studio has declared its support of HD-DVD. Regardless, there are reports that despite Titanic being given a new high definition transfer, we cannot expect an HD-DVD version anytime soon. So apparently, we are expected to purchase one of the new SD anamorphic releases and buy the HD version at some future date. I can see how having to buy the HD version of a film that was released substantially before HD-DVD or Blu-ray Disc were introduced is unavoidable. But this writer believes that any new SD DVD that has been mastered in high definition and released from this fall forward should enjoy a simultaneous release on a high definition DVD format. Film enthusiasts should not be forced to buy one version after another. It may be profitable for the studios, but it simply generates bad will. Worse yet, owners of one of the new SD versions might be reluctant to invest in the delayed HD version, a trend that could have a negative impact on the market success of HD DVD formats.
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 1,792
Temas: 89
Registro en: May 2003
Esta claro que TITANIC tendrá su versión HD-DVD pero obviamente no en un futuro cercano. Basicamente en octubre se esta lanzando la versión definitiva de la pelicula en formato DVD pero al mismo tiempo es un retraso para la versión HD.
Como he dicho, en el mundo DVD no hay ediciones definitivas(con rarisimas excepciones) por lo que en los proximos meses posiblemente tendremos mas "ediciones ultimate" de muchas peliculas sabiendo de antemano que seran las "ultimate" del formato actual y que en un futuro tendremos mas versiones en los nuevos formatos.
Mensajes: 4,890
Temas: 474
Registro en: Nov 2003
rodo escribió:miren esto:
The original Titanic DVD was distributed by Paramount and that studio has declared its support of HD-DVD.
Lo chistoso del caso es que Paramount va a "soportar" el formato HDDVD, y Fox (que tiene los derechos de distribución internacionalmente) van a "soportar" el Blu Ray.... o sea, que el R1 sera un formato, y las otras regiones otro  hock:
Mensajes: 1,745
Temas: 24
Registro en: Mar 2003
Estamos hablando que la edición decente de esta pelicula sale hasta el octavo año de vida del DVD. Podremos esperar lo mismo en HD-DVD...
Mensajes: 982
Temas: 76
Registro en: Dec 2002
¿ La edición de 4 discos vendra con un barquito partido a la mitad a escala ?
Si es asi si me aviento a comprarla.
Mensajes: 5,172
Temas: 372
Registro en: Feb 2003
Si esa región de 4 discos con barquito la sacaran en EUA, aquí de seguro no saldría...
Cinescape, Imperator in Aeternum
Tengo una vaca lechera, no es una vaca cualquiera,
Me da leche condensada, hay que vaca tan salada,
Tolón, tolón, tolón, tolón
Mensajes: 9,418
Temas: 492
Registro en: Dec 2002
Yo creo que peliculas en HD van a salir mas rapido que en DVD, la avaricia es cabrona.
Volviendo al titanic, la edicion actual la estan rematando en todos lados.
Mensajes: 1,792
Temas: 89
Registro en: May 2003
Según TheDigitalBits esta edición sale en Octubre 18
Mensajes: 3,139
Temas: 299
Registro en: Apr 2004
Ya pensandolo mejor solamente la compraría si saliera en R4, la de 4 discos, o la de 2 de pérdida. Y en oferta.
Sobre la calidad de la película en si, no es de satanizarla pero es una película del montón, tipico producto hollywoodense de mucho dinero gastado y ganado.
Si, tiene sets grandotes, miles de personas, millones gastados y efectos de ultima generación....... ¿pero eso que o qué?
A mi la película me parece buena muy a secas. No soy de los dicen que es la gran cacotota ni que apesta, pero tampoco le veo mucho chiste que digamos. pero vaya, 11 hombrecillos dorados, una melosisima cancion en el Top Billboard y un cara bonita al frente del reparto hacen mil maravillas en taquilla por una película regular ¿no creen?
James Cameron ha erigido la obra ideal para comprobar lo impresionable del publico promedio.
Mensajes: 1,745
Temas: 24
Registro en: Mar 2003
Sip, pero no solo hablamos de un éxito en taquilla, sino de un SUPER FENOMENO de 1.6 billones de dólares, o en cristiano mil seiscientos millones de billetes verdes. Esta cifra no será ni medianamente amenazada en unos 10 años al menos.
Quién sabe como pero lo logró. Y lo más increible es que su primer fin de semana fue de solo 20 millones!! quién iba a pensar que llegaria a los 600 millones en EUA y a mil en el resto del mundo. Aun no lo creo.
Mensajes: 7,349
Temas: 1,597
Registro en: Dec 2002
Title: Titanic
Starring: Kate Winslet
Released: October 2005
SRP: Prices TBC
Further Details
Paramount Home Entertainment has released early details on two editions of the Oscar-winning Titanic which stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. The film will be available in seperate two-disc and four-disc collector's editions. The two-disc special edition will include a branching feature, enabling fans to view a wide selection of never-before-seen footage. The four-disc collector's edition will be the ultimate for film and DVD enthusiasts - containing numerous deleted scenes, new in-depth documentaries that explore the odyssey of the making of the film and much more. The film itself will be presented in a brand new high definition transfer along with 6.1 Dolby Digital Audio offering the highest level of picture and sound quality on DVD. James Cameron commented: "The three year process of making Titanic seemed at times as arduous as the building of the original ship itself. Until recently, I wasn't really ready to dive back into it all and re-live the conflicts, disappointments, tough choices and, ultimately, the film's crazy, unexpected success. This special edition is more than just the hour or so of unseen footage we're including.we're taking fans on an untold journey, one which could have ended just as disastrously as Titanic's maiden voyage, and often seemed as if it would." Further details will follow shortly. For now though, here's some artwork. We'd like to thank Bill Hunt from the great Digital Bits for sending this over!
aqui pueden ver las portadas:
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Mensajes: 4,110
Temas: 100
Registro en: Mar 2003
vengan ahora los comentarios de "no es la mejor película" o "se ve buena la edición, pero no vayan a creer que me gusta la película!, porque no soy cursi, ah! y odio la canción de Celine Dion" y que nunca falta "no debió ganar el Oscar". Me parece chistoso que aunque hablemos del dvd o de otra cosa, en cuando vemos la palabra TITANIC esto surge de voldada....
yo si le voy a echar las manos a la edición de 4 discos, y que, y que, y que?!!!
Mensajes: 1,151
Temas: 215
Registro en: Jul 2004
Oigan, no recuerdo en donde lei la noticia de que al salir esta película en DVD de la forma que menciona, se hará de forma MUNDIAL, no va a ser exclusiva de Region 1, sino que se planea de forma mundial sacar esta edición.
O ustedes se refieren a si saldra la de 4 o 2 discos en México?, porque lo que lei es que se planea sacarla en forma simultanea en todas las regiones.
Voy a buscar la nota y les pongo el link.
Mensajes: 3,139
Temas: 299
Registro en: Apr 2004
el Fer escribió:vengan ahora los comentarios de "no es la mejor película" o "se ve buena la edición, pero no vayan a creer que me gusta la película!, porque no soy cursi, ah! y odio la canción de Celine Dion" y que nunca falta "no debió ganar el Oscar".
Pues a verrr... vamos por puntos.
1.- "no es la mejor película": No ps claro que no lo es, ni de lejos, porque de hecho no existe una "Mejor película". Aun así, incluso en el año de Titanic (1997) hubo mejores.
2.- "se ve buena la edición, pero no vayan a creer que me gusta la película!, porque no soy cursi" : Si, se ve muy bien la edición. Y NO desprecio la película por ser cursi, vamos ni siquiera la desprecio, nomás no entiendo porque tanto mitote.
Y si, soy bien cursi si asi quieren llamarlo, soy megafan de Los puentes de Madison, Lo que el viento se llevó, Casablanca, Annie Hall, Cantando bajo la lluvia y muchisimas más películas romanticonas o de parejas igual que Titanic.
Asi que ESE no es el pero que le encuentro a la película. De hecho tengo la de 1 disco sencilla.
Si el lanzamiento de esta edición va a ser mundial, eso es muy bueno.
Si se traen la de 4 discos a R4, estaría muy bien.